As companies expand globally and Google adds complexity to AdWords, new tools are produce to help marketers produce Ads in order to expand internationally.
The Google Global advertiser, together with the The Google global market finder is the latest attempt to supply marketers with tools that help them go global with their business.
The tool helps you find out and translate keywords into other international markets; it will also show the competitive landscape for that specific keyword, giving you an opportunity chart, search volume, bid suggestions and competitive factor for multiple locations.
One interesting thing is that you can introduce your keywords and filter the results for regions such as Eurpean Union, emerging markets or the “G20” economies group (to name a few). The tool will not only translate the keywords to the languages used in the countries of your search but also it will rank each location by market opportunity volume, suggested bid price, competition for each translated keyword and most importantly, who are my customers overseas?
This is an interesting tool to help preliminary studies like market competition, demand and preliminary costs of advertisement on that new market. Even though it looks to me that this is good for a preliminary study, I personally never trust automatic translation when it comes to put money on. Before starting on a new market I will always have a native speaker that can go through the keywords and make sure things are the way we believe they are (you don’t want to find surprises afterwards).
This website supports marketers with a five step process:
- Find new markets. Here is where the new Google Global Market Finder finds its place.
- Translate your website Here is where the Google Translate Web Element fits nicely in order to translate parts of a website. But to make Google happy you should hire a human translator, to facilitate the work, Google has the Translator Toolkit help the communication.
- Translate your ads As a continuation, you can translate your ads, make sure the translated keywords are given the appropriate relevance.
- Prepare your business. Here Google advises you to find ways to communicate to your customers in the new market. Having someone speaking the language helps.
- Optimize your campaigns. Now, time to monitor your campaigns and learn from the results in order to polish your campaigns.
This is a very interesting movement by Google, thinking big, as usually. Having specialized companies moving towards new markets and supplying with tools to help the first steps before decision makers take the plunge into a risky endeavor.
I also find interesting how all the Google tools bundle together nicely in the Google Global advertiser site as well as how Google helps you find examples of businesses like yours that have gone global using AdWords.
Time to go play with the new toys!
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