The future of Internet usage

  I am writing this post in order to put together some ideas I have been going through since I read that Telefónica was planning to limit (or at least penalize) users with a heavy bandwidth use. For what I know, they already started in the UK last...

Urgent vs Important

Prioritization of tasks is key for time management. To do this efficiently I found it very useful to recognize the difference between the terms urgent and important. – Urgent tasks are deadline based. This is usually depends on others more than on yourself. The...

The science of Persuadability

A few years ago I did some preliminary work with an agency called Multiplica. This agency have adopted a term that I found very appropriate persuadability. With this term, they try to define the change of the target from the user to the conversion into client....

Addiction to lists.

Did you ever make a shopping list? I will guess yes. Why did you do it? Guessing again, so that you don’t forget something. Unfortunately most people don’t invest time on creating list for other tasks. How many times did you see yourself at the airport...